Thursday 13 October 2011

First time

Today is the first time I've bought so many shoes in 1 month! The feeling damn shiok! hahahaha No wonder people love to buy shoes :P 

I bought 2 Vans! We went to Vivo Vans first cos I remember the last time I went there I saw Hello Kitty Kids shoes but sadly they don't have my size but Kelly bought two shoes. So I started throwing tantrum. heh then we asked the girl who served us to help us check which outlet has the shoes I want in my size. So 1 is at Cineleisure, the other shoe is at Marina Square 

Got this Hello Kitty capsule at Vivo's Toys R Us :D

This shoe was bought at Cine! And it is in size 5! Muhahaha because the cutting is small n if i tie the shoe lace tight enough, the shoe wont drop! :D

After we bought the shoe, we went to have Pon Tian Wanton Noodle! Can nvr get sick of it! :D

This shoe was bought at Marina Square! :D

Even the box is so cute!!!!! 

$138 T_T