Friday 28 October 2011

Singapore Flyer

Today, or rather yesterday(cuz it's past 12mn), we went to the Singapore Flyer! :D It's the 2nd time I'm experiencing it! But it's also my first time going up SG flyer during night time!

So after school, went home with Kris and Kris slacked around while waiting for Kelly to come home cos her school ends at 5 and ours ended at 3! :D Papa fetched us to the SG flyer!

Up up and away~!

Going down! :(

After we got down we went to the souvenir shop(cos its linked) and we spotted a binoculars i wanted to buy it so much cos i want to see the moon and the stars u noe~ Not that idk binoculars can't see so far la -.- but is because TELESCOPE VERY EX LEH :( but kris dun let me buy pfft

There is this fright fest event in the open air for the halloween!

I actually like this pic of mine alot LOL

LV glass house! 

We had complimentary drink! :D And there were also seats for us to sit down! awesomeeee

Popeyes for dinner! :D

Called papa to fetch us home! hehehe