Saturday 5 November 2011

Carnival act & Shopping!

Went to watch NRA Carnival Act at UCC on Friday, 4.11. The show was not bad except for some parts lolol. And I only liked a few segments. Mummy fetched me home after that! 

Thought I'd throw in a pic of myself LOL. 

Kaiwen n i!!! hehehe Used Sean's iphone 4s to take one leh! dun play play

Today, went JP with mummy n kelly! But at ard 2pm, Kris came over to my house and hanged around for awhile! 

lolol he was wearing my ripples slipper HAHAHA LOOKS DAMN FUNNY

Wanted to have Din Tai Fung for dinner but there was long queue! :( So we settled for NYNY instead!

Velvet chocolate smoothie! O.O

Mummy's chicken chop!

My non-spicy aglio olio with mushroom and bacon! They spammed the bacon and gave so little mushrooms la >:( My sis had the same lol 

They still have halloween decorations on O.O 

After dinner, we went shopping! :D I bought 3 shorts and 1 skirt! Actually I have 4 skirts but now I only have 1 because I can't fit into the other 3 skirts anymore -.- And the current one is actually also very loose so i had to buy a new one :B And I also bought a new ear piece cos i dropped the one that kris gave me into a drain while i was getting off a taxi -_- 

And we took taxi to JP n home today! Cos the car's wheel got punctured in the morning then mummy scared later drive halfway punctured again -.-