Thursday 24 November 2011

Snow Globe


I want to make my own snow globe during december holidays! :D I want to do something ARTISTIC every holiday so i can be more artistic lolol

but idw the ornaments to be christmas tree cos its not really very meaningful.......lolol. I want to put something special inside like kris n my pic BUT where to find plastic figurines of us U TELL ME =(

But first i need to get jars first! Which I can get from Daiso~ But i have no idea where to find glycerin! WTF is glycerin man?!

So I just went to wikipedia it and found out it is widely used in pharmaceutical formulations :O

Ahhhh i can't wait for the holidays to come so I can spend time with my family, boyfriend and friends! <3

I also want to get a small christmas tree so my house got the christmas feel although we are not christians/catholics :D hehe