Friday 16 December 2011


TODAY MARK THE LAST DAY OF COMMON TEST, FOR MY SISTER! Mine ended on thurs! :P But it was a bad day because something went wrong with my twitter! Cuz i cannot get into my twitter acc via when i did not change my pass -.- the worst the thing i thought i can reset my password BUT I FORGOT WHICH EMAIL I USED TO SIGN UP FOR IT -______- cuz i have 3 emails 1 of them was blocked my hotmail somemore so i dun have access to it anymore wth so now i cannot accept any twitter request anymore. My friend told me her sis once encountered something like this and its because she accepted one link. I actually also clicked on a link WHICH TURNS OUT TO BE A FUCKING VIRUS urgh

Sad things aside!

Today i went to dye my hair! Not those dye-whole-head type but dip dye!! I dyed green! :B it cost me a fortune lolol

I have to bleach first and this cost $150 :B My mother said this shade is nice and asked me not to dye green anymore -.- wts

Result! hehe is it pretty?! :P

close up! the stylist say im goin to damage my hair like that but who cares as long as i take good care of my hair look at xiaxue she bleached her hair thousand times and she dun even have to cut it -.-

After that, mummy, kelly and I went to IMM to shop! I bought a lip stick, blusher and pimple gel :B lol and 2 glass container to do snow globe! heh might not be the best glass container to do it but its the nicest i can find :/

some pix i took the last few days!

2nd reason why im so happy today is because NP deducted school fees from the wrong account LOL by right it should be my bank account but they deducted it from my edusave HAHAHA cos there are still left over SO HAPPY HAHAHA

3rd reason very simple cos my baseball jacket arrived! :B

Going to cousin's house for house warming tomorrow! and maybe a movie with kris before that ~