Monday 30 January 2012

Chinese New Year Day 2!

Hi! I figured I'd made a quick post since I have a lil time to spare! :D

So on the 24th, it was Chinese New Year Day 2 and we didnt have to go to other people's house to bai nian but it was other people who come to our house! :B

After that when the rest left, we brought my relatives from Malaysia to sit the Singapore Flyer! :D

This is Joey!

My mother ;)

6 tickets!

I wore heels that day cuz my sis wore my(only comfortable) flats -.-

She's so cute! :D

Joey and her grandparents :D Her parents didnt come to sg!

there were tables and chairs inside!!

Padang :D


adorable niece!


Joey took this! lol

After that we went to the food trail to eat!

I got mummy to buy me this binoculars till i get a telescope in the future LOL :B

1 picture is $20 but 6 pictures is $60 meaning 1 pic is $10 so we bought all 6! LOL Plus softcopy is included so why not? XD hehehehehe

Last hectic week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERSERVERE!!!!!!