Thursday 9 January 2014

Christmas 2013

This year I didn't get to go to Church because Kris's father was sick! However we still had a Christmas dinner at his house. :) It is a Philippine tradition to eat at midnight for Christmas and New Year which somehow makes me feel bad about leaving my mother at home. :|

Anyway, we made a lil dessert for this year's christmas. It also involves brownie which is Kris's specialty but apparently it failed abit this year because the top of the brownie was abit chao tag lolol

I was so so full :O

This is technically the first gift I got for Christmas which was from my work place :D

I told Kelly we should get each other christmas gifts under the budget of $20 and I exceeded my budget by 60 cents HAHA and then i wrote her note to her saying she can return me if she want but she didn't :( LOLOL

And I got this starbucks cup from kelly :D I once eyed on this cup when I was buying starbucks at GWC

This was what Kris's mother got for me from Philippines O.O (She return to Philippines very often for work) and i really thought this is my Christmas present until a few days before she told me Kris's father wants to give me a gift and she asked me what I want :P Ive been wanting a wallet for quite long so I whispered to Kris and he shouted to his parents!!! -.- 

And this is what i got:

I love the Chanel Camellia flower and it's something like that :D

So blessed to be receiving christmas gifts from Kris's parents for 3 consecutive years and it seems like the price of the gifts also seems to be increasing each year... lol shit :X 

The last item is not a gift but is what I bought from HAHA

It's a Bobbi Brown Eyelash Curler... And it only cost $8.90!!! If I'm not wrong the U.P is over $30. The first time I took it out i was like "damn this thing feels so fragile" LOL. I definitely do not want to pay over $30 for such a fragile item so this was a good deal to me hahaha. also sold this entire range of Bobbi Brown's brushes for only $29.90 but I don't put make up everyday so NAHHHHH.

P/S: It is actually very tiring to maintain this blog with the pictures all filtered HAHA