Wednesday 29 January 2014

Retail Therapy

Last Friday, i went for a short retail therapy trip with my sis, Kelly to do some last minute shopping for CNY. I only managed to buy a lippie, necklace, a pair of earrings and a sweater just for the cold weather! Lolol Time like this i wish to wear jeans but too bad i just dont look good in them :-(

We only managed to each get one apparel meh

And I finally managed to try Saveur! Ooohhhh the Saveur's Pasta and my Duck Confit - skin is crispy the way i love it yum

These are some of the accessories that i've bought for CNY! :-) i also obviously bought new outfits since end of last year and ive been containing myself not to wear them! Haha maybe i'll show it in the next post!

P/S: not a fashionista (u can judge based on the previous OOTDs i've shared trololol. Im just a shirt-shorts kind of girl so dont expect too much). Just wanna share the things I bought :-)

I'm not a everyday-make up kind of girl hence i picked this lippie! Despite the color showing so strong on the stick itself, it turns out to be quite sheer when applied which i really love! I also dont really like to play around with colors so u wont see any bright red lipstick on me as well as my wardrobe - it's mostly black and navy blue and grey! I feel much safer like this 

I don't usually buy earrings because I'm too lazy to change out of my ear sticks lol. But these earrings are too pretty to pass! :-)



These are my first two statement necklaces that I owned because Kris don't like me to stack my necklaces lolol. I'm already wearing a Tiffany and Co. necklace which he bought for me on my 18th birthday.

And I like how this necklace isn't that chunky or heavy. :-D


The night ended with me playing L4D2 until 4am. I'm seriously so obsessed with L4D2 now! Uh oh. I didn't know the existence of this game until I see people on my twitter feed saying it's free so I just went to download and got so addicted to it! Damnnnnnn.