Tuesday 8 July 2014

Random Updates

I actually really don't have much to update because I have been busy with work and learning driving for the past month! Although I'm stopping driving for a month because i have learnt everything I need, but I'm still busy working!

Anyhow here are some random updates for you guys:

I look so fat here T_T Also I think its because my dress is the shortest although it look all the same lolol *excuses*

This was when we were filming for Mata Mata season 2! U can't see from the picture here but I had REALLY horrible break outs that day but I still had to put on make up :-( It was really tiring that day (stupid director didn't tell us to stop dancing even though they already 'cut' the scene urgh) but I had a fun time! :-D

Random date with the Mister. Godiva soft ice cream that costs $8. I love my PJ shorts :-D Watched Jump Street 22 @ Plaza Sg that day. Quite a boring movie I must say I almost fell asleep. And I was having serious PMS last month lol. I swear I was so pissed off with whatever Kris did HAHAHA. 

And yes i actually know when I have PMS!!! 

Random snippets of Niuniu :-D