Sunday 28 August 2011

Family Outing

Blogging today because I'll be working the next 3 consecutive days and by the time I come home, I guess I'll be dead? lol

So today Kris came over at 1.45pm to help me stick the macbook decal and then we went to Taka for the mooncake festival. Bought some prawn crackers and pumpkin mooncakes! Had tako ball and a few mouth of ice cream! :D

We went to F21 @ Orchard Xchange to walk. I spotted a pair of shorts but NO MY SIZE!!!! :( 

I spotted a shop at Wisma selling cute panties and I wanted to buy but my mother claimed it's expensive(5 for $30) :(

While we were walking around Wisma, we saw a FleshImp clearance sale and Kris chionged in FOR I DON'T KNOW WHAT -.- So I went in with him in the end I bought something hehe

I actually saw the shirt on the left at a flea but I didn't buy it but wadeva even if I paid for it at triple the price($15)? lol :P The U.P was actually $29  -.- Today, I paid $29 for 2! :D The polka dot shirt was too transclucent for me actually but i bought it anw cos its the 2nd nicest shirt :D

After we were done at Wisma, papa came to fetch us and we went to Neo Garden for our dinner.


After dinner, papa fetched us to RWS! 

stupid lights

Bought popcorn from Garrett, sweets/chocos from Candylicious and 

The 3 pouches cost $60 TOGETHER :D so I guess its worth to buy?At first I was DETERMINED not to buy it cos I wanna get a bag but after Kelly decided that shes going to buy the VS watch that costs $165,she got into a really good mood and she said she'll pay $30 for my birthday gift LOL So I got it! :D 

The body mist is because the total price was already $225 but the cashier told us if we spent $250, a $25 voucher will be given and we can redeem it straight away so Kelly got 1 body mist which alr add up to $250 and I got another body mist using the voucher! 

When I was at the panties section(I LUV VS'S PANTIES THEY R SO DAMN CUTE BUT ITS $15 FOR 1!), Kris dare not come near(HAHAHA) so he stood at a corner playing his ipad and 1 auntie thought he is working at VS so she asked him "how much is this" ROFL!!

While mummy is paying, she asked the cashier if they are hiring -_- And the cashier said they are :O But part timers also have to work for 5 days 8 hrs but the pay is $7.5/hr! And need agent to refer :/ 

Meanwhile, I need to find ANOTHER job so i can save $ for my bag in dec! Anyone got any lobang? :( 

Good day! :D