Wednesday 31 August 2011

Today could be the best day of the week

  • I made a small girl smiled! She is so adorable omg 

  • One of my customer said thank you to my work partner(cashier) and when I was walking away he purposely came over to me and said thank you to me! Made my day :D

  • STUPID BOSS SO NGIAO. He asked me if I need to rush cos he needs me to pass him something and when I said 'no' then he tell me 'if you r not in a rush, can u end work at 7.30 and come over?' like WTF I END WORK AT 7.30PM @ IMM N STILL WANT ME TO GO OVER TO JP GO EAT SHIT N DIE! 

  • And also because the boss don't let me go back to work because I requested to work only from monday-thursday and if he allows me to this it will be unfair to others ZZZ


  • Saw Jiaying and Amanda and he passed me one cupcake! YUMMILICIOUS! :D Too bad I didn't take a pic before I eat it. -.-