Thursday 15 September 2011

Universal Studio Singapore 14.9.11

Hi hi! Before I start blogging about my trip to USS, let me side track awhile~

So on tue, I had dance, and when I reached home at abt 10+pm, i was going to remove the plaster on my big toe when I realized that half of my 3rd toenail came off. yes half. -.- I'm not going to remove it because my sis told me that it will still grow out even if i leave it there plus it looks ultra disgusting without nail -_-

And to prevent this from happening to my fingernails, i cut them off :( now my fingers look so fat. And I am having typing difficulty from then onwards lol


The night before, my mother bet with me if i wake up at 6.30am, she will give me $200. In the end I woke up at 5+am -.- Because there was lightning n I was so scared it will rain :( Idw the rain to ruin my day! So I kept praying in my heart "pls dun rain pls dun rain" lol 

Kris n Jifeng came over at 9+am to have their breakfast at our hse and then we left hse at 10+am! Poor niuniu has to stay at home by herself for the whole day :X

Anw, my father thought USS has air con -_- Because Genting has 'air con' LOL. When mummy is buying the tickets, he keep requesting to the ticketing counter saying he wants air conditioned USS -.- 

Everyone else's is best gf but mine is world's greatest gf! :D

As far as i noe, no one took this! 

My act cute mother~

I was trying to copy some china tourists HAHAHA

At Sci-Fi, Kris kept asking me to sit the Battlestar Galactica with him but i don't dare :( I sit the mummy ride i already going to have heart attack liao -.-

The Madagascar mascots r so cute! 

The ride we had is Enchated Airway that is somewhat similar to Genting's Flying Dragon except that USS ride is shorter o.o

We also watched the Shrek 4D adventure! During the show, there are alot of spider legs at the bottom of the chair so I sat with my leg criss crossed HAHAHA And then theres another part; on top of the chair there are some holes and there will be cold air coming out but because my sis and I are not tall enough so we can't feel anything ROFL!!! 

After Far Far Away, we went to the Lost World(Waterworld) to catch a show! It was amazing! We played Canopy Flyer and Dino-Soarin! I screamed damn loud at Canopy Flyer HAHAHA. 

Imagine all the preparation they have to do.......... oh god. 

I think Egypt's ride is the most exciting one! The roller coaster is indoor! :D But fucking scary!
The first time we played we sat at the 4th row and we have no idea what is going to happen because it is super dark! U cant see a single shit! But is very exciting! U have to try it for urself hehe :D And all of us has shoulder aches most probably is because of this ride lol.

We had pre-dinner at Loui's NY Pizza Parlour and we ordered family combo and the pizza is so freaking huge!

At New York, we went to play Lights,Camera,Action! and we had no idea that it involves water and we went to stand at the first row -_- We got splashed big time!

This mascot went around scaring kids! HAHAHA 

My father looks so retarded HAHAHA

I took some 'artistic' shots LOL

I like this pic alot most prob of the colours :D

Baby bought this water bottle for me! :D

Before we left USS, we went to watch Monster Rock @ Hollywood and that's when all of our energy gone down........
Everyone was so grumpy lol. Took a short nap before the show start and the show was awesome! :D 
One the performer high-5ed with me :P 

After USS, we went to a place at Havelock road to have teochew porridge! :D Yumz! I love the salted vege! These are not all the pix! I might do another post with other pix? :)