Saturday 1 October 2011


So yesterday I went to Peoples' Park Complex with Mummy n Kelly cos Kelly wants to buy some stuffs actually I didn't want to go coz I didn't slept well the nite before but I thought aiya if i go i no need to fork out my own $ lolol so i went :D

We spent $200+ in total at Swanston and Ocean they sell REALLY cheap things if u dk like the niva deodorant, they sell $6+ at Watsons but only $3+ at PPC which is like HALF the price so these 2 places r always damn crowded -.- somemore got so many auntie there die also wont budge one knn

is either they don't give way to u or u give way to them but they still take their own sweet time to walk which makes u feel like giving them this push so they will freaking move away

After that, we went to Hatched! :D

These 2 r my new pyjamas pants i bought at $8 each :D lolol very cute right the prints the material also very thick! so i guess its worth it! hehe




I think i prefer Kelly's one most. Hers look the tastiest >:( Mine was so-so only I dun noe why their onion is brown is color Kris told me it is rotten -_-