Monday 17 October 2011


First day of school of semester 2, met all the new teachers. So far so good. :D Have 1 examinable module :( We don't have any for the last sem :(

First day of school of semester 2, i so fortunate. My parents sent us to school! JK, they went to johor! HAHA so i asked my mother to help me buy O.P.I nail polishes n she only bought 3 back! :( The next time I go Im going to spam buy like siao

First day of school of semester 2, when I was about to leave my house, I was using my phone and then I saw one of the app 'echofon' downloading so i sms-ed Kris n asked him if he dl-ed echofon and he said yes lolol wts la!

Out of 5 days, I can see Kris in school for 3 days! Muahaha cos all my lunch time are 12pm! But which also means its gonna be damn crowded :(

Also, our NF teacher told us that Mr Franky Teng(our favourite teacher because he always let us off early! And he also always say "all these not important one la" and skipped through the whole ppt LOL) was supposed to take our class for this module but he passed it to this "strict" teacher just cos our class got 8 students got AD for his previous module -_-

Our programming teacher is also not bad hehe. At least when she speaks, I didn't fall asleep! Compared to last sem teacher... ONCE HE STARTS TALKING I START SLEEPING -.-

After school, Kris n I went to Udders near Beauty World! :D

Kris's alcoholic tiramisu and bailey! 
I tried some! Muahaha the bailey is nice! Tiramisu the alcohol too strong x(
And the person checked Kris's IC lolol so now he think he looks young -.-

Mine! Cookies and cream with choco! 

Kris drew these 2 on the glass lol

All I want for christmas is:


Hello Kitty Laptop sleeve, VS tote bag 

lolol is that too much? x) 

I think I am able to get these by the end of this year if I spend wisely since my allowance has increased by $40/week so it should be easier for me to save up~
But Kris say the mouse he will get it for me...hehe

And then again, I don't think I want to suddenly upgrade my Mac while im still in the midst of the semester cos i scared it might screw up my comp lol so maybe the next long holiday(after exam)?