Saturday 12 November 2011

Amici//Scoop of Art//Jifeng's 21st

Wild Mushroom soup </3 taste bitter :/ 

Kris and I shared the beef/chicken/lamb omg the beef sux like shit </3 It costs 42.90 n im not full! The aglio olio in the bg is my sis's 

Papa's n mummy's

Jifeng's! His one is damn bloody :/ 

Vegeterian pizza we had hawaiian pizza too

N the total was $216 -_- super not worth it i rather go hog's breath :B

After that cos it was still early, papa wanted to bring us go see gays first ya like literally. lolol. when we were young, he drove around geylang to let us see prostitutes -.- but then because we were too young n we didnt noe wad r those so we dun really care either la!

But in the end we didn't go see gays hahaha. Papa drove till Marine Parade JUST TO BRING US GO EAT UDDERS. DAMN CUTE SIOL. Clementi also got 1 -.- However, we went to scoop of art in the end! muahahaha!! 



They only gave us 4 colors n expect us to mix.... ._.

Fixing in progress!

Do u noe wad is it?!

Painting done! btw, the front part not all black k! got 1 part is purple! :(

Pasted my decorations up! :D

Btw, before we left house, i freaking fell in the toilet. wts... Now my right side of my ass hurts and my elbow hurts n i hit my back n i touched my head n i felt a bump -_- i dun even noe i hit my head...

Waiting for mm to post our clique's gathering for andre's 17th birthday up on fb then i can blog abt it!!