Saturday 12 November 2011

Andre's 17th Birthday Celebration!

Hi hi! On Wednesday(9.11.11) We gave Andre (sort of a) surprise at West Coast Plaza! :D I only knew this on the day itself lol it was so sudden but I went anw! :D I waited for Kris to end sch then he fetch me to Clementi mall first to meet the rest then he went home!

All of them were so busy writing birthday card! XM n Jennis even bought a Baskin Robin's ice cream cake for him! Omggggg lurve ice cream cake :D XM,Jennis N I went to meet Andre first because apparently XM was supposed to meet Andre @ 4 but she was already late for 1hr. O.O

WCP Coffee Bean bring back lots of memories :'( We used to chiong our Prelims here lolol Miss those times =(

After that XM had to leave for CCA then FX n the rest came! And we went up to West Coz Cafe for dinner and I WATCHED them eat lolol cos mummy cooked that day :) 


I realised this is the only decent photo I took with FX that day LOLOL

My Babies <3

We saw Ms Gan! :D

I love all of them! <3