Sunday 20 November 2011

Sun with Moon

Just a short update usin the blogger app on iphone hehe

So i've been to sun with moon for the third time this year if im not wrong hmm today on this special date 2011.2011, I went to sun with moon with Kris and his family and his cousin who has just flown over! :)

Shes pretty! Im catching breaking dawn with her this coming week! :D

So I think i am addicted to wagyu beef lolol its like the tastiest beef i hav ever eaten in my life man better than Amici's omg seriously their $42 set of beef+lamb+idk wad shit is seriously SHIT idc abt their authencity of italian
-.- cannot even compare to Antoinette's $32 wagyu beef man!

So before i left the house, my sis and i went to the skypark n i did modelling again for kelly's assignment -.- lol Then i wanted to take a pic n tweet that i am helping kelly to be model but this pic i took showed that i have 2 left eyes! It's kind of creepy...:/

N i went to centrepoint by myself! :D who knew i could get there myself?! Hehe but something stupid happened. I went into the mall from this door then i went to buy my popcorn n then i went to look at the directories but Ichiban wasn't on the list so i exited from the same door n I turned left n went into this mall just to realised ITS THE SAME FREAKING MALL -_- so u buay tagan went to ask the security guard where is ichiban lolol

And before that, cos i took the bus by myself n i was using lol i saw that i was approaching the bus stop but i scared later i press the bell then wrong stop then no one get down very paiseh so i was waiting for ppl to press but no one pressed so i pressed la THEN KNN SO MANY PPL GET DOWN THE BUS _|_ fuck sia