Monday 26 December 2011

Long post ahead

Just a warning! Shall blog about today first!

It's a day after Christmas! How are you guys feeling? Im feeling great cos I got lots of post-Christmas gifts from mummy LOL

So we went to Peoples' Park Complex! First stop! Spectacles shop cuz Kelly wants to get a new specs! Then we went to get all the cheap necessities and some unnecessaries @ Ocean and Swanstons. We bought a few bags of stuffs worth $135 :D

Then we head to this pyjamas shop and I bought 2 sets of Hello Kitty pyjamas and a long pants! Next, a shop that sells masks! The Lady boss of the shop was really nice and she knows her product really well. O.O And she helped me to get masks based on my complexion which is A SUDDEN PIMPLE OUTBREAK(!@#$%^&) They only opened from 1pm onwards to 8pm! Wanted to get the Hello Kitty masks I got online but luckily they no stock because they sell it at an even higher price lol

After that we went back to the spectacles shop to collect Kelly's new specs and put all our stuffs at the car first before heading back.

Saw this while walking to the lift. HAHAHA FREAKING FUNNY MAN!!

We then went to eat Mac! It's been eons since I ate Mac. The main motive was for the Twister Fries :D

After dinner, we went to OG! And I BOUGHT A LOT OF STUFFS!!! :D I shall let you guys see what I bought at the end of the day!

(Missing: Hair serum and 2 Pierre Cardin black bras since they look all the same so i thought I dont have to take a pic heh) The under garments are my favourite! :D

I'm already wearing it now! hehe

They are going for 3 @ $18! :D These are the only 2 colors I like!

CUTE TO THE MAX! Mummy wanted to buy only 1 box at first but i kept persuading her in the end I paid 1 box for myself lol the other box I gave it to my sis hehe $21.90 per box!

Love love this colorful earrings! been so long since i bought this type of earrings! hehe its going to go nice with my H&M bodycon dress! :D


On Friday 23.12.11, I went to have steamboat with my poly class mates at a shop opposite bugis. supposedly to bond us but it looks like it didn't help lol :/ We had gift exchange though! i got Keikei's chocolates and Keikei got mine LOL! And Joyce was so sweet! She gave the girls each a goodie bag! Hahaha!

Joyce! :D

Daphne and Keikei! :D Forgot to take pic with them :(


Christmas Day 25.12.11

Went out with Kris and his family :D His parents gave me a Longchamp backpack! :D

love it so much! Totally didnt expect that(ok maybe a lil when Kris asked me to guess lolol) but still very grateful despite me always only saying 'Hello' and 'Bye bye' whenever i meet up with them cos I still havent learn much Tagalog :/

I can still even mix up how to say 'What are you doing now' in Tagalog -.- It's suppose to be 'Ano na gawa mo' but I keep saying it 'Ana no gawa mo' LOL

We went to watch Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol @ Cine. Thought it's gonna be boring but it's nice! however it's a abit draggy. :S

After that we went to have dinner with his cousin @ Sun with Moon at Wheelock! Omg when we went to Ion, the whole mal was so freaking stuffy -.-

Kris took this secretly and gave it to me! Hahah naughty boy! Then we went seperate ways. :) If im not wrong, this year is the first time I celebrate Christmas with Kris because the past 2 years he went out of country? lol

Time to sleep! Heading over to Kris's crib tmr at 12pm to watch movie! Hehehe :D <3