Thursday 26 January 2012

Jumbled up; (PICTURE SPAM!)

Kris's scarf on Penpen :D

Kris gave me the beanie :P

I tweeted this pic just to show my HYPER-extended arm....... lolol (Try straightening your arms and see if it's like this :P)

Dance until my fingers also tio bruise :(

Alone in the studio! :D

Poor feet :( Kris say it looks like i went to war LOL

On one day after a full day training at TDA for competition, i told mummy i will stay back for practice until quite late but actually i went to buy a birthday cake for her and waited for kris to end work but he has to extend his work time by 30mins -.-

I didnt take a bite at all LOL cos i hate mango :B my mother cried leh HAHAHAHA

Sashimi!!!! <3

Agedashi tofu!!!! <3

Chawanmushi!!! <3

I spent $22 on these 3 items -.- But was actually quite full la! hehe

The bar at TDA! :D the sandwiches were gooooood!!!

Err a random outing with Kris and his friends and we were slacking at TCC and i had this cake :D