Monday 26 March 2012

Johor Bahru Premium Outlet Mall

Ok back to blogger because the bad thing about wordpress is that I can't change my template. Not that I can't but I will have to pay and I won't because it's too expensive. :S and the free templates are just too ugly and too little choices heh. Anw I havent really use the lock-post function anymore so it's ok! hehe.

I shall start with the latest event first because it's the only event with the lest pictures lol. On Friday, my parents brought my sis and I and Kris to JB! Cos I kept telling them I want to go the premium outlet mall hehe. Woke up real early and Kris reached my house damn early! 

Firstly, some pictures from my instagram! follow me @sizetwofeet!!!! :D:D:D


Kelly's skorts floral design


Next up, pictures from my sis's camera! :D

Had Bak Kut Teh for brunch! YUMMYYYYYYYY!!! Then we headed to some pharmacy to buy some medicine ~

And then we went to KSL city first! Bought 2 nail polishes there! hehe :D

At some tea shop that my father always patronize! :D


Act one shoot MV lolol

Kris's damn chio phone cos he lost his iphone HAHA

Thought its somewhere near but it was so far away -.- slept for damn long in the car till my leg got numb! 

That is me asking my parents to come over cos i spotted something I want to buy. LOL 

someone freaking thought I was a staff at the Cotton On there. -___-

After we finished shopping we went to Baskin Robbins to eat ice cream and then headed back to Singapore and had Tze Char at Clementi for dinner! :D

Fun dayyyyyyy~!