Saturday 17 March 2012

My favourite boys and girls :)

On 5th march(i noe this post is late CUZ LIEWMINMING JUST UPLOADED THE PIX!!!), we were supposed to meet up with Chanel and the rest before Chanel leave for Taiwan but she couldn't make it so it was the 5 of us lol.

Met up with Angie and Fanxin at Dhoby Ghaut MRT! Dumb Angie thought she was the first to reach end up she went to the wrong mrt station -.- lolol. Jennis and Minming made their way there first!

But because it was an impromptu decision to dine at Timbre, FX was angry at them hahahaha then when we reached, we saw that MM and Jennis dedicated a message to us! Didnt take pic thou :( When the singer asked us where are the 3 girls(FX,Angie and I) then we just kept laughing and laughing and we were seating directly infront of the stage, the singer immediately know who alr lor pls lolol.

And the seats that MM and Jennis chose damn lousy. it was directly under the fucking speaker. We cant even speak properly we have to fucking shout at each other. -.- Even after shouting we still had to repeat ourselves another time! -____-

When the singer stop singing, Angie said "eh faster talk later she start singing again we cannot talk alr. So how's life?" HAHAHAHA damn retarded!

Pictures taken using Minming's camera! :D

Group picture! :)

Egg pizza we had ^.^ it tasted good! We also had the duck pizza and buffalo wings! The duck pizza was awesome man i love it lolol.

After Timbre, we went to Tutti Fruitti at clementi mall and went home at around 11pm? :)

And on the 17th of Feb, went to have dinner with the boys and girls at Alexandra Ikea! :D


Meatball pasta! :D

2 more blog posts coming up! Disney On Ice/Ann Siang Hill/Crystal Jade Steamboat buffet with the fam and Kelly 19th Birthday celebration! :D It will take a lil longer thou cos there are like 28935691834503 pix. :P