Saturday 10 March 2012

Family Outing - Cycling!

Yesterday, the family and I went to East Coast Park to cycle!!! Woohoo we've been saying this for weeks but we only did it yesterday. hahah. I love to cycle! :D I would like to own a bicycle myself but I also know I have nowhere to cycle -.- I don't want to be those competitive type of cyclist just you know cycling at my own pace and enjoy the scenery :D

Anyhow, woke up at 9.40pm cos Kris called me T_T i even set my alarm at 8.15 but I just off the alarm -.- Looking forward to the coronett that Kris said he bought for me but he forgot to bring :( But its ok~ Got prepared and left house at around 11am!

Reached ECP and we saw the bicycle shop was still closed so we went to walk Niuniu for awhile before going back to the bicycle shop and rent bicycles!

Pictures taken using my sis's Olympus pen! Ever since she got olympus pen, everytime we go out together i don't use my camera anymore HAHAHA.

Otw to ECP! :D

Happy and excited niuniu! :D

jumping for snacks lol

Walking back to the bicycle shop to rent bicycle! :D

We rented the family bicycle!(Don't think its called bicycle thou cos it has 4 wheels lol) I did the steering! :D

lolol :B

As usual, cycled until where all the shops are and bought some drinks from coffee bean and snacks form 7-11! :D

niuniu licking the water droplets -.-

Kris steered when we were heading back! :D

Panting niuniu :P

Took pictures before we return the bike! :D

After that the 3 of us rented individual bicycles! :D We rode further than the Outward Bound Singapore Headquarter! So cool! It's the first time i've been there! heh


Sis :D

This is actually my first time doing this LOL

From left to right: Mine, Kris's, Kelly's

Kris think he very cute hahahahah

When we were heading back, we passed by this bougainvilla garden and it is so pretty :D haha Can you spot kris?

I like this effect it looks so vintage-gy :D

After that we went home and we ordered pizza delivery! :D

Theres still honey chicken wings, spicy drumlets, pepperoni pizza and some chips thingy :D

Awesome day with awesome company!