Friday 2 March 2012

Date with Kris

On the 24th of Feb, I went to Kris house and we made chocolate pancakes, buttered mushrooms and mash potato! :D

We bought cocoa powder and just the type of ready-made pancakes.

Mix it well :D

I cracked the egg but it spilled! :( I swear I know how to crack egg! I cracked it damn nicely when I made my own chawanmushi! :(

I think we added some milk too lol

Don't laugh :(

My first attempt -.- one of my friend said it looked like beef another friend said it look like pig liver wtfffffffff. :(

My 2nd attempt! hehehehehe! :D

After that I helped kris to packed his table! :D




After. I wonder how it looks like now T_T

Kris makes the most awesome mash potato <3

Then he went to take a nap and I helped him with the dirty dishes~

Came home to Kelly's new boyfriend the Olympus pen lolol. Papa bought for her as a birthday gift!

Me in olympus pen hehe. :D