Friday 2 March 2012

4th The DanceSport Academy Championship

Today imma blog about the 4th TDA Championship! :D And I think i did not blog about 3rd TDA LOL cuz i was a newbie at that time and there were very little photos so yeah hehehe. This time, Kaiwen and I become abit pro-er so it's time to blog abt the competition HAHA! And we spammed photos using Her Bf(Eugene)'s DSLR! :P

It was held at Singapore Poly this year and apparently, there were a lot of people that day and it exceeded the amount of people it could hold thus even thou the air con is set to the lowest temp, the room felt damn warm so our instructor told us it will not be held there anymore LOL.

My partner Kaiwen! <3

Mandi! :D

Eli! :D

A senior helped us with our make up! so pretty rite!! :D

painted my toes with new color for the comp! hehe

My friend said I look anorexic~ -.-

Eugene! :D (Before the comp start)

 My green fading hair :( (After we got our prizes! :D)

We improved from last competition! :D We got a 3rd in Open Cat Cha and Jive! :D We were so happy LOL. cuz initially we didnt have to pay for this comp but after that the organizer(our dance instructor) changed it to open category which means anyone can join so we had to pay $15 each so Kaiwen and I told ourselves this $15 better be worth it! HAHAHA And it was worth it! hehe

Look at all the rubbish behind :S

i also painted my nails! It was to match the color of my costume! :D

Abit bonkers after winning prize LOL

Eugene again!

Joyce! :D

This is Kaiwen's make up! Damn nice! I cropped away her eyes and tumblred it but no one reblogged :(

Another senior brought this tai yang bing that her father bought from taiwan but she didn't want to eat it so she gave it to us and we shared among ourselves! :D This biscuit is very famous is taiwan!

Kaiwen and I showing off our first medal we won from TDA :X But we were damn happy! Like FINALLY our efforts paid off and all those days we stayed back until 10pm to train and our feet hurt like BITCH. :P

The one in pink is Hilary! :D

Pink - Si Hui Blue - Janice! :D

A group of juniors! :D

Group photo!