Thursday 1 March 2012

Movie Date // Badminton

ok im an ass for not updating for so long but i tried updating last week however my internet sucked that day and it was taking a super long time to upload the pix -.- so i gave up cuz my sis asked me to play Audition with her LOL.

Plus the fact that i became extremely lazy after exams HAHA even thou i got nothing to do but i still don't want to blog and just sleep my day away i just hope i don't grow fat during the hols ~.~ hehe trying my best to keep fit! :D

Let's start from the most recent events shall we? :D

As you all know....ytd was 29.2.12! Which means its the Leap Year.. or Day hahaha. So of course have to spend it with someone special! hehe and that someone special is obviously Kristoffer~ We went to watch This Means War at Vivo! I didnt even watch the trailer or read the description but i saw a lot of people tweeting that this movie is awesome so i just told Kris i want to watch it. LOL.

and it turned out to be MORE THAN AWESOME PLEASE! IT'S FAWESOME!(Fucking Awesome trololol) We caught the 5.30pm show then we headed to the LJS outlet just downstairs my house to get dinner cuz we are broke kids LOL

otw home! :D

Today, or rather just now since it's past 12am, I went to play badminton with Kris and his friens at Bukit Batok CC! :D

But first, early in the morning we went to Singapore Indoor Stadium to redeem Disney on Ice tickets! :D Hehe so excited for it! We got category 1 tickets! :D

There was a small quarrel while we were queueing up for our turn! so scary! Read story:

So initially there were only 2 counters opened for the redemption of tickets. Then theres this stupid OL she keeps walking all the way to the front of the queue to probably see why isn't the queue moving. She was so irritating!! She even took a picture of the queue and cuz Kris n I were at the front of the queue, from the angle she take the picture, 100% can see us so i went "we are goin on stomp" LOL!!!

The OL also went to suggest to the sistic people that they can open another counter saying cos the office people are actually using their lunch time to redeem their tickets. By right, they should know that there will be lots of people coming to redeem their tickets and if they are smart enough, they can bring their own lunch box! DUMBASS. it's your fault that you didn't think of that idea bitch  -_-

So after she made that suggestion, another counter was opened! The thing is, when te 3rd counter wasn't opened, there was only ONE queue for 2 counters. But AFTER the 3rd counter is opened, all the people went to make a new queue for EVERY counter -_- It's not even supposed to be like that. Then Kris told this guy who made a new queue at the 2nd counter that the queue for the 2nd counter is 'here' *points to our queue* then he started giving all kind of excuse that the OL also made a new queue etc.

What I didn't expect was the girl queueing behind us also argued back omg lolol but it died down after 3mins? But it's damn scary to see Kris getting angry hehe. I rarely see him get angry! like really RAGING type of angry u noe :P If he does that I also don't know how to simmer him down sia HAHAHA

Then we took a LONG train ride to Bukit Batok and ate Pontian Wanton noodle!

After which Kris had this disgusting green tea ice cream LOL I hate green tea flavoured ice cream :P

Otw to Bukit Batok MRT station, saw this ID photo machine and I went in n i thought of taking one :P And I thought Kris won't come in with me cos everytime I say I want to take neoprint he gives me a disgusted look but this one no CUZ HE MADE ME ANGRY :S so he has to pacify me! hehe fucking $7 ALL 16 BOXES SAME PICS! This is so bullshit -.- I thought all 16 will be different but no. Worst thing is Kris went to choose COLOURED! ~.~ I wanted B&W the pic above u see is editted from instagram. LOL (my username's sizetwofeet. follow me if you like! :D)

After taking this pic, he went "the things i do to make you happy...... *sigh*" Say until like very difficult to make me happy like that :( then he said "MY REPUTATION U NOE" HAHAHA. #Bitchplease you have no reputation even if u have reputation it's all the bad ones LOL!!!

My right arm is currently aching so badly now i sticked 2 salompas. hopefully it wont ache so much tmr. It's already been aching since tuesday cos of dance! But Tuesday's fun though! Learnt new steps and finally danced! After three weeks due to exams! :D

Been spending way too much money and i mean WAYYYYYYYYYY. :( which is a super uber bad thing! :( Cos I still want to do a lot of things during the hols!(no $ cannot play!) and also watch a movie at Gold Class during April! And by this u can see how hard my husband has to work in the future to support me LOL. *winks to Kris* And im not gonna work during the holidays anymore cos my mother kept nagging abt how much you have to sacrifice if I work for eg I cannot go shopping easily;it'll be harder to plan for outings cuz Idk when I'll be working etc. so yeah. anw I still receive allowance during the hols! :P

But if i rot at home for too long and if I suddenly go out, i'll fall sick like last year O-level holidays. i rotted for so long that I finally went to find work at Tiong Bahru Plaza and after working for 1 week, I fell sick n i took leave for a week. LOL! But that time the purpose of finding work is my mother want me to gain experience -_- which is quite stupid. and right after i receive my pay, i went to use my pay to buy sims. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!

Regarding school, we will be receiving our results on the 16th March. yes the day we are going to watch Disney on Ice -_- the results better be good if not I don't think i'll have the mood to watch the show anymore. LOL!!

I think this is probably the most wordy post ever cos of the story. HAHAHAHA.