Tuesday 24 April 2012

Mini update on my life for the past 1 month

I'm suppose to be doing my homework right now but then since im going to bathe soon, i might as well just update a bit on my life for the past 1 month? This will be a picture-less post btw because I'm currently on windows 7. :P

I know I havent been blogging for the past 1 month hehe because I've been super lazy since it was the holidays! But now school has started and Im beginning to feel not even lazier but tired. Not even because of the homework but it's because of the long school hours. :(

I've been trying to blog since in the afternoon when I was having lecture but then whenever I clicked 'publish post' nothing comes out. And only just I changed to the new interface and it appears. -.- seriously wtf.

So yah, today's the 2nd day of week 2! And on the first 3 days of first week, there was a CCA fiesta to recruit all the freshmen into NP's various CCAs and Dancesport managed to get 150+ freshies to sign up! And majority of them turned up for their trial today! When I first entered the studio,WOAH. I could smell the the salty-stinky feet. LOL! I mean that's because its 50+ students in one studio mar that's why hehe.

Week 1 was boring except for the first 3 days cuz I managed to skipped lessons thanks to the CCA fiesta XD Week 2 will be worse. And you can imagine what's gonna be like for the next 14 weeks oh my god. :( Worst of all is that Im stuck in this stupid elective module which idk why i put it as my first choice when we were given the choice to choose. -.- Everytime I think of it I think of quitting school.

I cut my hair! And by that I meant chopping away all my dip dyes since the bottom is starting to rot lol. And I dyed brown~ I know i know. I keep saying brown is a very normal colour because you can basically see it everywhere on the streets and its not unique. I wanted to dye purple initially but I guess that colour's abit too crazy. :(

Bleah. I really really really want to go overseas with Kris alone. :( Im like starting to save up now...for a lot of things cos this year's everyone's 18th birthday omgz gonna spend a bomb. But the main thing is I asked mummy about it and she doesn't allow I think is because mainly im not 18 yet idk la but she rebutted me by saying COS HE'S A GUY. k can. Then shall i date a girl? fuck it.

Last but not least, I deleted the Thankful post because there's nothing to be thankful about! Hallelujah! Tata~! Shall update maybe this weekend on our latest trip to Malacca if there are no homework or im not lazy! XD