Monday 30 April 2012

Labour's Day

I don't know if this Holiday is a good thing or bad thing. Good thing is because we get to rest a day,bad thing is we have lots of make up lessons -_-

I'm not here to update on the latest Journey to Malacca lol. But just some random pictures I took during the holidays. :)

Katong Laksa from Holland V! i had severe diarrhoea after eating this! Must be the clam! Although i didn't eat it! :( but luckily Cold Stone's toilet was damn clean and it feels like home! LOL

Cold Rock ice cream! I hash tagged it as #Coldstone HAHAHA #Fail! 

Kris bit my hand cos I LIGHTLY punched this area where it is very sensitive :P lolol

One afternoon Kris decided to fetch me to school for dance from home but then first we went to Daily Scoop to get ice cream and then I kept rushing Kris cos I thought I will be late then I was also scared I cannot finish eating the ice cream before the bus come so I gave it to Kris. End up? All the rules about the 6:15pm must reach studio are bullshit. -.- This rule was only implemented ONCE successfully. I will never ever follow the rules again. -_- 

Last Thursday, I only bought 3 siew mais and rushed up to the studio. Guess what? The seniors are still eating their dinner downstairs wor!!!!!!!! *claps* and who are the ones who implemented the rule? THEM. And when I told one of them to lock the door(because the rule says once you reached the studio after 6:15pm, the latecomers will have to stay outside the studio and cannot come in till 7:30pm.) What did the senior said to me? "K CAN." So this is the GOOD EXAMPLE they want to show to their juniors. Firstly, they implemented the rule themselves end up they don't follow it. Secondly, you know how people sometimes SOMEHOW reached earlier only on that day then that person expects everyone to SUDDENLY follow the rule? Is like we have to kan ta de lian se zuo ren please. It's freaking tiring. If you want to implement the rule, follow it. If you yourself cannot follow the rule, don't freaking implement it!

Random Hello Kitty Towel I got at Tangs Vivo for $5 :D

I forgot what movie Kris and I watched but after that we met up with Kelly and Mummy and then we had dinner at White Dog Cafe and the waitress gave us free Ice Lemon Tea because Kris is a pinoy! hehehe! 

I believe this was the time when we went Far East Plaza to shop... And then after that met up with mummy at Ion and then headed to Swee Choon to get dinner but I wasn't feeling well and ate very little :(

This was on the night before we left for Malacca we went to watch midnight movie - 3D TITANIC! :D 
The pic of my sis and I were too dark cos there wasn't any lighting. And we had to sit at the last row corner seats! :(

And Last Friday, we went to T.G.I.F to celebrate Angie's 18th birthday! :D And met up with my secondary school darlings. <3

Joyce's 18th birthday! Keikei and I tried to surprised her but failed -.- cos she went to the toilet!

Lastly, 2 nice pictures of the SG Flyer which I took using my iPhone! :P 
(Actually all these pictures are taken with my iPhone) haha
(Instagram: sizetwofeet)