Friday 4 May 2012

Marvel's the Avengers! :DD

Ended school super early today! Happy but sad because received another assignment yet again. :( i have countless of projects on hand already! :( Went to Toastbox to have lunch with Kaiwen and she told me lots of story hahaha. Unhappy with Toastbox because apparently they changed cashier, and when I ordered curry chicken rice set but i changed the drink from barley to milo, they charged me extra! Fuck. The previous time it wasn't like that. >:( ANGRY and the cashier rolled eyes at Kaiwen! Fucking bad attitude. 

After that walked around the school and Kaiwen told me even more stories! :D Her life is so interesting! Then we sat outside the library to chat somemore lol. After Kaiwen and some of her friends went for lessons, Joel and I went to watch Shrek at Library! lolol. Cuz I needed to wait for Kristoffer and Joel needed to wait for his friend too! I borrowed my first item from NP library! :P

Kris ended early so I had to leave early! Next time if I have to wait for Kris again I can borrow movies since now I know how to! hehe. Took bus 61 to Vivo! Walked around and bought some snacks from daiso, went to skypark to snack. Gan Eng Seng lower sec school kids fucking noisy. Scream like as if everyone's invisible. I mean they're 13/14, be more mature can? Im sure I didn't act like that when I was their age lol. They don't feel embarrass one meh -.- 

Then when we reach the theatre, a bunch of caucasian children entered too, with 2 teachers. They had the best seats,with the best view. And they kept shouting before the movie started. But one of their teacher scolded them. During the movie they were ok. After the movie, when we were exiting, we saw a couple scolding the children! We heard "You all should be shameful of yourselves! Made a mess..." :B 

Then helped mummy bought stuffs and Kris fetched me home! :DD Happy Friday! Going Johor tmr. :( Thought today car break down tmr no need go can stay at home chiong assignments. bleah. 
That's all. hehe so wordy. @.@