Tuesday 28 May 2013

It's more fun in Boracay! 2

Ohaiyo! I'm missing Boracay so much :( I've been talking to Kris so much about where we should go next but we haz NO MONEHHHHHHH. boohoo :'( Kris has been really hardworking thou!! He has been working!! So im receiving allowance!! $2 per week LOL! Pathetic yes i know but it's ok we can start low and then move to $10/w and then $100 HAHAHAHA!! :P

As i was saying, i want to travel to other places too :( I suggested bangkok(mainsteam i noe...) but kris was like "I go there also nothing to buy..." Hahaha i guess thats true so I suggested Phuket!!! It seems cheap too(is it?) O.O. Weird how the two of us that are not beachy(not bitchy tsk) people loves to go to the beach!! (Except palawan and silo beach LOL~)

Moving on from the first day(which is the 4th day at Phil and I still have 6 more days to go T_T) which you can read about it HERE!

This was the view we saw when we first woke up. ^.^ So amazing isn't it? I couldn't stop looking at it. The sunset view is as awesome as this. :)

We first went to get our buffet breakfast.

After which we went to walk walk again hahaha we never got bored of walking at the same place!!

View from our breakfast place :) It's actually the same place for dinner lah just that it was darker cant see shit lol

I got some keychains and bracelets!!

And I also got starbucks!

And a tourist picture of me hahaha

Please don't judge the way I wear T_T 

We love walking on the sand without wearing slippers because the sands are so freaking fine!!!!!! You'll sink right through it for some!!! Unlike Sentosa's one... so rough lol. 

If you are thinking what are the green things... they are actually this:


Kris says is algae and I say is moss HAHAHAHA 


After which we head back to the hotel to prepare for the wedding. We saw the photographer taking pictures of the bride's shoes and he hung the heel on the railing and it almost dropped!!! LOL we were all laughing!! HAHAHA

My handsome boy was dressed in the traditional philippines top called a Barong! Apparently it's made out of REAL pineapple ;OO And it cost SGD100+ All the males have to be dressed in this!

We took a shuttle bus to the church althou it was just a walking distance lol but because kris's mother was wearing a super long gown and a super high heels

It was my first time in a church!

The wedding just started so abruptly I thought it was a rehearsal LOLOL

I have no idea who is this guy

The Groom and his mother

Kris's parents as the sponsors.

I think they are the sponsors as well

I think these are the bridesmaid? hahaha

Flower girls and boy hahaha so cute!

Idk who are they!!!

If i'm not wrong this is the bride's mother :o

And when the door opens...

I editted this ^_^ chio or not

Happy Bride! (I keep typing 'bridge'...)

Pretty train! 

I love these two passage from the pamphlet :)

You may kiss the Bride! 

Signing of the marriage contract haha

Kris's father was asked to pop this thing but he didnt do it in the end HAHA

It was indeed a long ceremony. Lots of talking and idk.. putting of necklace, gifting etc ;O It was my first time attending a catholic wedding so i dont know where this was going haha

The bride is seriously very pretty!! haha even without make up!!!

At first i thought kris's mother's are caucasians wtf... 

This was where we had the wedding dinner... overlooking Boracay's sunset :) 

You can't deny that it is indeed very beautiful.. I wish I can witness it again and again. 

Buffet section 

Hello can u see my name hahaha

The wedding gift is a shot glass hahaha I placed it on my desk! 

Setting of the table

Everyone wore pretty sandals but because i didnt noe we were going to have dinner by the beach i wear my havainas given by kris's mother lollll

Pretty bride had a change of hairstyle and gown!

all were very yummy!

First dance :)

Unlike the usual throwing of bouquets, Philippines had another tradition which is a girl and a guy will be chosen and i think the girl has to wear this rubber thing until her thigh and the guy will have to use his mouth to take it??? or hand i guess i forgot lol. but because the two don't know each other the girl obviously wont put the rubber thing until very high la HAHAHA who the hell wants an unknown guy to touch their thigh!!! I think this one like more fun leh :P Nvm I can do both!!! LOL!

After the wedding, we went to walk walk again!! :P And these pictures have to pay $ one hor~~ The people inside must be damn hot!!! And I also bought a new pair of haivanais~ We also did henna tattoo!

I thought Kris did another design but he also did a dream catcher to match mine.. and now he really got a permanent tattoo HAHAHAHAHAHAH 

Then we head back to the hotel lobby to use the internet for awhile then i showered and slept!