Wednesday 17 July 2013


I editted my blogskin!!! I wanted to have a "smaller blog" but previously I didnt know how to adjust all the images size to the same size... but now i know! :D However, some of the pictures might be pixelated because afterall they are shrinked... haha. But still recognizable!! So it's still not too bad I guess. And I think my new background matches the font color i chose for my previous background as well :) I'm not really into those pastel things but this is nice and I'm lovin' it! What about you?

Ive been busy for quite awhile and still will be until next friday... just bear with me for a little while more because I have something exciting to show y'all although it's quite upsetting for me...I know i'm contradicting hahaha but u will understand when it's time for me to reveal!

We just submitted our final year report 2 days ago and it's kinda sad knowing that intern is ending soon! Although there weren't much new people we got to know but at least we had fun in the office together... playing Uno! :P I'm guessing we won't survive the office life in the future even though I've been dreaming to be an OL since i was a child :B 

And the only picture I have in memory of them is a drawing on a whiteboard hahaha. Let's see if we can take any pictures in the last two weeks. Although we have fun together but it's still kinda awkward when we're not playing Uno.. :| 

I'm suppose to be doing my presentation slides but ah well... I guess i shall start tomorrow :B 

Anyhoo, just one last thing. Not sure anyone remembers THIS issue but I personally, dislikes, HATE AND LOATHE people who do not have punctuality. However, if it does not affect me, of course I won't have problems with them. BUT, if it does, oh you better watch out lol. 

I stumbled across this article which was shared by one of my camp GL: 

I hope those who are reading my blog take some time off to read the article... You can even stop reading my post and just skip right to the article lol! TBH, I was never once late for my intern up till now. Although I have been starting to wake up late but it's time to cut me some slack! 2 more weeks left and I have always been more than 30mins early for work lol :B I wake up at 5:57am(supposedly 6am but I like to set my alarm early!), shower(by this time it's already 6:20am), have my breakfast, get prepared by 6:30am and set off at 6:40am! 

I hope people take the issue of punctuality issue serious! *Can someone start a Punctuality campaign so i can be the ambassador LOL*

So far, July has been a happening month with the deaths(Talia, Cory and the double murder T_T) and upcoming birth of the royal baby! *Wishing that it'll be born on my birthday!* And about a week ago, I just realized there is a mix of horoscope! That's why you see a "Leo/Cancer Cusp" at my profile! So cool eh! Haha 

Till next week!