Sunday 17 November 2013

A lot of food

A lot had happened during the past two weeks like I skipped school for the first time (oops!), getting a pay raise in my pt job, getting pissed at two blogshops, Kris passing his IPPT :D So happy for him!

Dinner @ Chijmes's Hog's Breath Cafe

I'm loving toffee nut!! This year is my first time trying it 

Dinner @ Watami Japanese Restaurant

Just chillin' at kris's hse in his PJs :D

Niuniu kept rubbing her eye till she can't open it!

Dinner @ Pepper Steakhouse & Bistro @ GWC

I love love my prawn and truffle linguine!!

"I want to shiiiiiiiiit." *whines* HAHAHAH SO CUTE PWEEEEASE 

Pasalubong from kris's mother! :P from Philippines

Asked Mummy and kelly to takeaway one cake for me :P

Some streaks of blue hues on the red fish!

Added some new stickers on my laptop :P

And I finally got my own 2kg dumb bells!

Just Niuniu posing

And the blue fish died :(
This time i really had no idea why!! But i knew it was gonna die because it was very listless a few days ago :( Im so sad i can't believe i grew so attached to my fishes :(

And also i downloaded quite a number of songs for the past few weeks and TPR is coming out a new single tmr!!! SO EXCITED 

anw my new favourite songs from PRISM are:
1. legendary lover
2. This is how we do
3. Dark horse

I chanced upon this artist called Birdy and I love "Wings" and "Skinny love"! 

P/S: I go through the iTunes store to see what are some of the trendy songs now and i download it HAHAHAH :P