Saturday 28 December 2013

Review on 2013

O Hi! As the title suggests, before 2013 ends, I would like to do a review on this year, Actually, there is nothing much to review also LOLOL.

In May, I went to the Philippines~ You can say this is the highlight in 2013. Because it also marks the first time i take a plane! Can you believe it~ I always dream of taking the plane and I really thought I have to wait till I'm like 20+ then I can take a plane. But thanks to Kris parents I finally manage to take a plane by the age of 19 :')

And then there's also the graduation of Kris and Kelly...

Kris enlisting....

Last but not least,

If I remember correctly, I made 3 new year resolutions last year. Yes, 3 only BUT they are realistic resolutions ok. And they are: save money, make my bed every morning and throw my own rubbish i think?

And I can say I manage to fulfill two of them. BUT, for 'make my bed every morning', i only do it when I have school. Oops. I guess I have to try harder! And as for throwing rubbish, I think i only threw twice.... Well at least i tried! :P

I guess that's it for now! I still have some post waiting for me to blog about but because I am always on Windows so I am unable to... Try to be patient aight... Later~