Monday 5 September 2011

NPDS Camp '11

Hello people. I nua-ed for 12hrs lolol. This is how exhausted I am although we didn't do much during the camp. Teacher Melvin said our camp is nua ttm compare to other people's camp HAHAHA. 

We played games, watch movie and NIGHT TRAIL -_-

But the night trail is at the loft LOL. BUT IT IS STILL VERY SCARY YOU KNOW BECAUSE THE MOVIE WE WATCHED IS A FUCKING HORROR MOVIE. I intended to not watch the whole movie but due to my curiosity, I watched a lil. The movie is "Insidious". I like the storyline! Quite cool hehe.

Because both my sis and I were so scared, we bathed together HAHAHAHA. And because the seniors and my friends who were suppose to be sleeping in the same apartment as the both of us went to idk-where, WE HAD THE WHOLE APARTMENT TO OURSELVES LMAO. 

It's been 3 years! And finally i get to stay at the loft again :D 

On the last day, we had to come up with a skit + a dance and our skit's title is "Journey to the west-live" cos our group name was Westlife -.- And I was the ZHU BA JIE and they called me BJ in short :( And I had to snort... OH WELL 

And my sis n i had to leave already so we don't know if our group won :O

We also learnt a new dance called rock n roll n i danced with some seniors! :D

N now, im going to paint my nails so BYE HAHAHAH.