Tuesday 17 January 2012


Hi hi! I know I had disappeared for about 2 weeks :/ Thats just cuz im so busy with school stuffs and Dance :( I'm currently in school and the reason im blogging now is cuz im waiting for my group mates to arrive cuz I arrived damn early and at the same time preventing myself to fall asleep. I have no idea why am i so sleepy today :(

Lemme go ALLLLL the way back to 31 Dec 2011 :X My sis(Kelly) and I went to one of our cousin's house to do art and craft! :D

Finished product! :D

I sticked the balls at first but Kelly didn't liked it so we had to remove them :(

The mess we created :B

She started playing hula hoop lol

My first canvas painting in my life!

Sticked it on my door! :D

Our cousin also baked oat meal cookies and pandan chiffon cake for us! So yummy omgz. Can't wait to go there again during the 2 months hols break! :D

We left our cousin's house at about 6pm cuz she's leaving for her frien's house to celebrate new year while we went home! I chilled at home for a while before getting ready to head to Kris's house for a midnight dinner(Philippines tradition)! I got down the bus too early and almost got stranded on the high way LOL. But luckily i made it hehe XD

Then we head to west coast plaza to get ice cream o.o then went to Kris's house! :D Watched Hello Stranger until midnight! hehe

Likeaformal only! hahaha Kris n I cooked Aglio Olio! :D the rest are cooked by his parents! :D Theres still prawn, and some soup thingy! SO DAMN YUMMY! Eat until i bloated like siao :X Then Kris's father gave his mother, Kris and Me $88! :D SGD MIND U HAHAHAHA. Then Kris fetched me home by taxi!

When I reached home, Kris called me but it was the fucking thio fan xin who was speaking! The clique was having steamboat at fanxin's place and she didnt know i was at kris's house if not she will ask me along too! :(

Left hand side's my old schedule book! :D

Ahhhhh team mate's here! gtg! :D