Wednesday 24 April 2013

Adventure Cove

I was glad that im able to go to Adventure Cove before my internship starts otherwise the other days i can go are the weekends which will be damn crowded! We finally found a day where the four of us are free!

I had nasi lemak in the morning whereas kris had duck noodle and he started eating without waiting for me! >:( After which, my parents fetched the four of us to RWS and they left for JB.

First stop is the lazy pool!

The reason why i wasnt lying on the float is because i was still awkward LOL. but also i wanna feel the water lah hahaha 

I love the lazy pool!!!! 

Second stop was the slides! The first slide that we played was so freaking fun! There are "cabinets" for you to put invaluable stuffs! Luckily for me, my camera was able to fit into kris's small pocket! :P

I think after two slides, we headed to scuba diving!

Scuba diving is one of the things that I love and hate most.. lol. love because i am near the fishes. hate because the masks always gets blurry and i can't see shit -.- worse for nelson and kris because they cant wear their glasses HAHAHAHA
(There are videos!!!)

fourth stop is the wave pool!!! i think we also spent quite sometime here because it was seriously damn fun!

Look at Kris floating like a boss HAHAHAHA

My jumping shot LOL

Kris said "1 2 3" but kelly haven't go down -_-

i can't open my eyes under the water HAHAHA

 Kris looked so pathetic on the left lOLOLOL

I scraped my knee against the rough floor :((

After that we continued play other slides but it wasn't as fun as the first one we played!

We went to the lazy pool again before we left because we are lazy like that LOL 

dk wad he doing LOL


We managed to catch a glimpse of one dolphin!!!! ^.^v

We went to bathe at abt 3pm because we didnt want to queue for the toilet! :D

There are photographers moving around the water theme park to help you take pictures! You can buy them at the store located just at the right side when you enter~

1 photo is for $30 but we bought all because it was only abt $76! :D And it also include one one cd rom the softcopy of the pictures and two pictures enlarged! :D 

We K.Oed immediately after we reached home HAHAHA.
I say the 30$ IS WORTH IT! :D