Saturday 4 May 2013

It's more fun in BORACAY!

Just FYI, Boracay is still located within Philippines! :)

Excited for that day because I can finally get away from Manila :X But after Boracay still have to return there D: I would rather stay at Manila for 5 days straight then head to Boracay then Singapore! Oh well~

On that day, I woke up at 8:30am but slacked till 10:30am for Kris to wake up -.- Went to the office to pack my luggage, wash face, brush teeth and waited for time to pass and Renal sent us to the airport!

Bought some food to eat!! :D

And I also facetimed with my family!!! hehehe Look at how happy there are to see me ^.^ And my father so stupid dk where to look so he went so close to the camera HAHAHAHA

This is a domestic airport~ and we actually went to the wrong airport lolol. there are 3 airports in the philippines!

The plane-boarding 'style' was abit different than the usual ones! This one you have to actually walk to the plane! Unlike those theres this connector thing which you can board the plane directly! So cool :D

Kris looks so cute in this picture :DD 

My soft toy "Piggy" who i brought along for the trip :D 

U see the blackest and thickest strand of hair? I managed to pluck it out with my fingers!!!!! No tweezers bitches. And u have no idea how awesome i felt! After that i kept looking at the hair root (one of the reason why i like plucking armpit hairs now LOL)

We landed at 5pm at Kalibo :)

We had quite an empty bus! :)

After which the 2hours long road trip starts again.... Travelling took up so much time during this trip. :/

Kris's mother bought this local corn for them! And I took one bite and the texture was abit weird so i didnt eat lolol


Kris wearing his father's shades lolol

This was the bus we board :)

We reached this terminal to board a boat which we will finally bring us to Boracay! 

By the time we reached there, it was already 7pm so we couldnt see the beautiful view but this is the time where all the fun starts! :DD

We had a jeep to fetch us to our respective resort :) 

Our first resort is called Estacio Uno 

Welcome necklace HAHAHA 

and welcome drink! It taste damn nice!

So you can see everything is in a nudish-brown color. i guess they were going for the natural style? afterall its just beside the beach! :D

The view from where we had our dinner :)

I had this angel hair aglio olio and oh my god... it taste so good wtf im craving for it now T_T

Our resort! Our resort was on the quiet side compared to other resorts - some are like right smack in the middle of the clubs. After dinner, we went to take a walk! :)

No idea why but there are so many stars at Philippines! But the camera couldnt take it -.-

I think this club is the only club that gave Kris and I a deep impression. We actually 'eh-waed' to the song when walking pass! Speaking of which, im already looking forward to next week's clubbing session :o Sorry but i havent club in ages and im already having butterfly stomach just thinking about it LOL. Next week is the first time im clubbing in this holiday HAHA. 

These sand sculptures are actually made by a group of children who just wish to earn some pocket money but apparently its illegal :/

And then there were a lot of fire shows :o 

This person is actually a man :OO

This performance was at a restaurant but then it was open-air so obviously everyone could see. End up i think the next day they put 'curtains' to cover lolol

It's called The Hobbit House because it was really managed by Hobbits :OO Like midgets! so cool!

And yes! There's shakey's at Boracay!!! I wanted to try this for the longest time after Minming posted a picture of pasta on instagram and it looks so yummy but the only Shakey's in sg is at Woodlands -_- 

After that we went back to the resort! This marks the end for the first day! :D