Friday 10 May 2013

What have I been up to?

So i decided to this weekly post called "What have I been up to?" like QWeekly ya noe. it's just a mash up of what i basically did for the past few weekends if im lazy to blog like one post by itself and also because theres nth much to blog about lor. haha

One of the weekend Kris,mummy, kelly and I went to my cousin's house because it was her 2nd kid's 1st birthday! :) 

I had the fried rice, crispy thing, fish and tofu and i find them all not bad! But kris said it was so so only :S Think we stayed there about an hour or so and then we went to my aunt's house which was just kind of next block then mummy sent us to school for np50's rehersal and Kris home~

This was because Kris wanted to lean down but Kelly don't let him so she push the chair forward lolol. freaking funny laughed till i stomach ache

Another weekend! Ok not really considered another weekend lah since it was on friday midnight. This was 26th! The day when IRON MAN 3 came out! :D I quickly chionged home and took a shower and then chiong to Kris's house to have dinner and then we(plus his parents) took bus to vivo! :D I had java chip in the theatre hehe. should have ordered hot choco cuz both Kris and I were damn cold even thou i was already wearing a thick jacket! D:

After the movie which was about 3am+ my father brought Kris and I for supper :O 

The next morning, yes. Kris and i went to this place called the Hong Leong Building i think to this Japanese Restaurant cuz i bought this deal from for 10 course meal for $30!

I love love love the potato salad!!!!
 Kris's ice milk coffee and my hot green tea!

Sukiyaki! I think i actually never eat sukiyaki before and i asked Kris why the soup so sweet he said it's suppose to be like that :/ Now that i know it's not really to my liking!

close up~

Think this is called saba if im not wrong. quite yummy!!

This chicken thing also damn nice!!!!!

We were like the 2nd customer to arrive hahahaha

Zhup cai lol

 No like their agedashi tofu :/


After that we went to boat quay to Kris's working place but he didnt noe it was not open lolol

After that we went to Raffles mrt i think and i think that day was my first time there :X i didn't know there were so many shops lol then halfway through my cramps came so we couldn't go town T_T

Kris surprised me with this burberry top on the friday night and i wore it out the next day! hehe He rarely surprise me in fact i think this is his first (successful) surprise for me!!! <3 

Kelly and nelson bought Grin Affair (cake in a jar) for the fam! 

My breakfast for one morning lol sry too lazy to tilt picture~

These were some of my lunch for the past few days haha

Me being retarded in the office as i was alone and bored and i sent this to kris and made him laughed ^.^ well at least he said "LOL" even thou i dont really noe if he really laughed or not la lol

boon lay power nasi lemak one night mummy bought for the fan and kris came over for FOOD not ME :'(

Some Singapore Flyer i took to feast ur eyes otw to TDA one saturday hahaha

more posts will be coming up pls pls pls be patient hehehehe ^.^ 

Im sorry if this post if very messy :( but thats why it's called a mash up rite lol at least i bothered to post pictures!!! :P TILL NEXT TIME!!!!!

p/s : and im really thankful to the people who read my Boracay post!!! it's like the highest statistics among all my posts LOL~~~