Sunday 19 May 2013

Thank You

Hello there. Been a week since i last blogged and i actually have quite a lot of things to blog about which i haven't got the time to do so. :( i ought to be rushing out my report right now which i have to submit it by 27th which i thought is a friday and i wanted to start doing it this coming friday but 27th is actually a monday and there's not much difference between right now and tomorrow. let's move on lolol

Today, I watched two episodes of TVD and Hansel&Gretel: Witch Hunters, had koi with Kris. And I felt utterly blessed. Blessed to have Kris. I'd never know what i'll do without him. I am not independent at all. In fact i think i rely on Kris too much. More than i should. Because if one day he's gone, i'll just collapse. O.O

Like today, other than doing the things i mentioned above, i also accidentally installed malware on his comp. T_T I was actually googling for something while he was away and i clicked on the FIRST link(which every normal human being do) and this java oracle thing pop up and i got shocked. After that i just closed everything because idk wad the hell was that. And then when Kris came back, this safety clean thingy keeps popping up and kris couldn't close it and it shows a trojan thing. I was so freaking scared. T_T

Then obviously he tried to remove it and he did. But i just lie on the bed and cry T_T

And guess what am i studying about currently?

Information Technology.

I can't believe how stupid I am.

Everytime i'm angry/sad, kris will ask me what happen/why? And i always reply with him "Nothing" or i shake my head.

I don't come from a very open family like hugging parents or saying i love you to them. So I'm still not used to this talking thing if you know what i mean. But I would try. And I should.

I told Kris to put my hand on his stomach if i'm angry/sad because i love his big fat belly. It makes me happy. But obviously we can't do that in public lol. Maybe a long tight silent hug would be good.

He is always so optimistic and i don't know how he do it. pfft. Maybe a pessimistic person and an optimistic person makes a great couple lolol. He also loves to do stupid and retarded stuffs to cheer me up and make me love him more(HAHAHA) like this:

And then we also like to do crazy things with each other like force kissing me 

And then also giving me stuffs that one of his customers left behind at his work place (LOL)

i told him to take one and hang it on his bag and he gave THAT look and i knew exactly wad he is going to do with the keychain and that is to keep it at home -_- lol. 

When we were in the lift, Kris told me "I cannot give you the life that you want(which is to be taitai lolol). So you also must work k" Silly. Taitai is just my imagination that I use to escape reality. I'll do anything as long as im with you. 

Thank you for always being there for me when I need You. 
Thank you for always being my road directory. (LOL)
You are my future that I work towards for.