Saturday 6 April 2013

It's more fun in the Philippines!

Ok la not say i travel to a lot of countries but i can just put that tag there for future purpose first rite(well if i still blog)???? lol. I would not say this trip is the best(but for now it is the best until i travel to other countries hahaha) because of various reasons but at least i was given the chance to travel :)

We left for Philippines on the 16th. Our flight was 5:50am! I thought there will be time for me to shop around at the DFS but even if we have time, we will have nothing to shop because all the shops were closed -_- And I also thought we were quite early but ended up we have to rush and rush :o Oh and K's father actually kind of spoilt my luggage while he was helping me to get it out from the trunk using one hand.. lolol. He broke the standing leg of the luggage!

My very first plane ticket!

Bought a cup of hot chocolate! I really love Starbuck's hot chocolate! :)

I was attemtping to video the whole take off process and it took so long i kept having to stop,record,stop,record because i didn't know it was waiting for another plane to take off and make a u-turn -_- 

And suay suay my sinus started and this was what happened... lolol im such a horrible passenger! 

Normally when im excited about something, i will not be able to sleep and have butterflies in my stomach at night but i was only not able to fall asleep because it was too early -_- lol. Oh and the flight was a damn uncomfortable one because the seat spacing is soooo small T_T only the first row of passengers will be able to sleep peacefully without having to fidget around. Slept until my neck was aching like hell! 

Touching down soon... 

We had to fill in this form before we landed and when we had to go through the immigration, the person pointed to the "address staying at" and then i couldnt understand what she was saying so i said "ya" then she asked if im traveling alone then i said no then i signaled to Kris to come over who was waiting for me to be done and he quickly helped me write the address and im done! lolol. so exciting.

After that was the most difficult part... recognising for luggage. Every luggage looks the same to me. Because we both have 1 navy blue luggage, everytime i see a navy blue luggage i was like frantically pointing at it and tells kris its mine/his then he was like 'NO LA! U ANYHOW ONE SIA!' LOL! 

Because kris's mother went to the Phil 2 days earlier than us to get some stuffs for Kris and his father, she and one of Kris's frien(Renal) who drove us around for the next 9 days came and fetched us! The first stop is K's mother's ex work place to visit all her colleagues! 

K's mother worked here as an accountant. All of them were so excited to meet K's mother. One of them was extremely high and said that if Kris and I get married and if we invite her, she will fly to Singapore and attend our wedding. O.O lol. And each time I said im 19 years old, they will say "Oh thats very young" :S And the very enthu auntie said i looked like an elementary kid lol. Not surprised. 

We had lunch at their canteen and everyone stared at me like im some alien O.O Like they never see a Singaporean before... lol. 

2nd stop for that day was our resort! No idea why K's mother booked resort :O 

Some of the street view!

This is a jeep and is like our bus

No idea why is Kris hand like that lolol act gay

After that we just headed to one of K's mother's frien's house for dinner so theres no pictures because everything's still very awkward lol. Then we went to get Jollibee before heading back to the resort already...with K's mother's frien and her family... :/ I thought they were only staying for awhile but i didnt know they were going to stay over. So i was supposed to sleep with K's mother's frien's daughter (Monica)(I'm sorry if this is getting a bit confused LOL) and i was so sad that i couldnt sleep w Kris I started crying T_T But partially also because i was homesick because i just facetimed with my mother! So I ended up sleeping with Kris on the floor hehe. When i woke up for the first time, it was only 6:30am but the sun is already burning my ass!! So Kris asked me to sleep more ^.^v

After we all woke up, we then went for breakfast

The Koi stands for the fish... lol. And the restaurant is very small. Smart of them to put mirrors to make the place look bigger hahaha. After breakfast, i accompanied kris and his father played pool while K's mother and Renal went to smoke. 

Then we checked out and we saw this view!

Otw down the mountain, we saw a lot of slums and i kept thinking how is it like to live in such 'house'... i hate seeing such things :(

2nd day has super little pictures because all we did was visiting like First we went to K's mother's younger sister's house for awhile and we left quickly after that. Next we went to Kris's house!

No idea why is his room PINK. lolol.

And also found this picture wtf with Jollibee's mascot HAHAHA. 

Then we headed to K's mother's frien's house where we will be putting our luggages and staying for the next few days! 

After that we had a looooong drive to Kris's cousin's house! Before we reach his cousin's house, we had to walk through this small path. And when i walk pass(there was a distance) this dog, it started growling at me! Then it RAN! OMG. I wanted to run too! it was so fierce! But luckily it was chained up T_T Scared me there. When we had to walk through the path again to get to the car, the dog started growling again and barked at Kris. LOL. And when Kris had to walk back again to help his father take something, the dog barked again! I swear the dog hate Kris HAHAHA! 

Pictures are taken from his cousin's fb! :)

Actually i have no idea how they are related to Kris LOL. I guess they are his cousins too???? But seeing him so happy is so rare. Go out with me i also never see him so happy lor. :(

This is his uncle! And also K's father's youngest brother. :) He's a tattooist and nipple piercer??? lolol. When kris told me that, Kris went to lift his uncle's shirt! -__- But i didn't bother sticking my head forward to look at the nipple piercing la cos its so freaking awkward?! siao! LOL. 

This is Kris's cousin :) She once came to Sg and i watched Twilight breaking dawn with her and kris! lolol

This girl is the girlfriend of the guy on her right! She's so cute and friendly! She tried to strike a convo with me while Kris went somewhere so i wouldn't feel lonely haha. And she said she love my accent lolol. That is the weirdest compliment ive ever heard HAHAHA plus she also look like one of the person i know..... :O too similar

And this is me! hahaha!

Kris's uncles and aunties also got him a chocolate cake for graduating hahaha. At Philippines, Kris is recognised as BK(bon kristoffer) or bon bon(lolol) but in SG, he is recognised as Kris!

And this is the cousin's gerbil i think haha

Then we headed to Kris's grandparents graveyard 

This is how the the cemetry looks like. The tombstone is on the floor. Better make sure you don't step on any! And the filipinos has their own family cemetry??? i guess that's what you called? lol Like all your entire family ancestors tombstone is put in the same 'house' And there are also people who sets up tent like picnic! Quite heartwarming to see it because they don't see death as a sad thing! :) And Kris's uncle offered one of the boys(on the most right) ciggarette but he dont smoke lolol.

Then we headed to another of Kris's auntie's(which she also stayed in SG before for a period!)(he has a lot of auntie that are NOT RELATED to him -.-) house to chit chat for awhile where Kris fell asleep and snored damn loudly -_- And finally, we headed back to the same house for dinner :)

After dinner we went to the office to watch runningman.And this was where we slept! with Kris's parents lol. Kris was damn rude that nite. He slept like as if no one is beside him sia!!!! He smacked his hand on my face!! :@ Then I cried again because it was our monthsary that day and he smacked his hand on my face T_T then because i was the only one not asleep and i felt lonely thus homesick again lol. And no don't worry we didnt had our dinner here! It was at another house. And i couldn't brush my teeth that nite T_T because i forgot to bring my toothbrush up because my bag was downstairs and there were people sleeping at the office and we don't want to bother them again... :/

Then the next day i asked Kris if he know i cried he said yes then i asked how he said he could feel the wetness. WALAO can feel wetness cannot wake up and ask why i crying sia! (Y) 

This is Monica's family business 

And the stairs led to where we were sleeping that nite!

That's all for the first and second day!!! :)) 
Look forward to the next post because we headed to Boracay the next day!!!!! =DD