Thursday 5 September 2013

48th National Day

This year, we were lucky enough to be ballot for the 48th National Day's tickets!

People Mountain People Sea!!!

These are our tickets!

We had to go through security check maybe because of the Boston's bombing!

Road blocks everywhere

Goodie Bags collection area!

Excited excited!!!! 

This year they invited "Kacang Puteh" men!!!! Everytime the word "Kacang Puteh" appears on the screen, these men will come out and start throwing packets of peanuts! 

And we caught one packet! But i didnt eat any because i was afraid that i will get thirsty and drink lots of water and have to go toilet :S

Lots of grey clouds looming hence there was no parachute performance! :(

Pre performance for the audience :) We were also welcome by the very enthusiastic ushers however one of the usher said "C'MON ON PEOPLE SMILE!!! THIS IS THE LAST NATIONAL DAY!!" And then Kris and I both heard and we were like " O.O?! Last national day?!" LOL!!

Show casing of the military :)

Arrival of Mr President and singing of National Anthem!

I still remember during secondary school days, the discipline master punished us for not singing the National Anthem OUT LOUD because majority of us were just moving the lips... LOL 

I love this segment the most!!! :)

I won't bombard you guys with all the pictures I took because that'll be too much for you to take hahaha!

I love Singapore!!! :)