Monday 24 March 2014

Mummy's Birthday and Chili's

So the first part of this post happened in January. I treated mummy, nelson, kelly and kris to a dinner as it was mummy's birthday. We had dinner at Vivocity's Pu Tien.

Kris bought these over priced strawberries and some japanese cheesecakes from Isetan as gifts for my parents (my father's birthday is also in January but we don't really gift him because we don't know what he likes) and I seem to be the only one eating these strawberries! I dunk them in the nutella jar omg it was heaven. And I also had sore throat a few days later lol


This happened around the christmas period because I bought a pouch for my sister at the fair that was happening.


I still prefer Kris's botak. His hair has grown really long now and it looks so disgusting HAHAHAH

Cute shop that sell items that represents Singapore!

We had dinner at Chili's with Kris's father and his colleague after picking up my stuffs at place 

The shop that I bought my sister's christmas present from.

And I didn't take picture of the main course which was the rib #Fail