Thursday 10 April 2014

Five and Dime

Hello! A lot of backlog posts to clear, still! #WhatsNew lolol

My mother, sister and I went to Five and Dime last week! I wanted to go there because it was so convenient for us! Just a few bus stops away.

We went there at about 2 to 3pm+ hence the cafe wasn't very crowded/noisy which is awesome

Very spacious too ~

I ordered the Mentaiko Pasta but I ended up switching food with my mother(she ordered the omelette rice thingy which is not too bad taste like fried rice thou) because I didnt know there was fish roe and i can't stand the fishy taste

This is how it looks like from the outside

After which my mother and I went to the Asian Civilisation Museum LOL plus it's been years since I last been there! 

It was a good day :D

Another cafe post comin' right up!